PAX East!
·I went to PAX East! My first PAX. It was overwhelming and I had a great time. I was so busy going to panels and meeting people I didn't really do much else. I meet a lot of awesome indie developers including Michael Carriere from Boston Indies. DC's own, the wonderful, Miellyn Fitzwater Barrows the writer behind Strange Loves: Vampire Boyfriends was on the panel Foreplay: Romance in Games.

I pitched Iron Roads to a lot of people and the feedback helped me evolved my vision for the game. I even made my pitched to the Pitch Panel the last day: Here I am pitching the game to Kris Straub, Jeff Kalles and Eric Neustadter at PAX East 2013. They didn't like the idea but several people emailed me and Tweeted that they thought the idea was grand. That gave me a lot of encouragement and a small prod to start a Facebook page for the game
[Yes, I know this post is HORRIBLY late, but once I catch up it'll all make sense, stay tuned.]